Rousing WWII Action

Battler Briton #1
Publisher: Wildstorm
Writer: Garth Ennis
Artist: Colin Wilson
British World War II Aerial Action.
Readers, remember those exciting World War II films such as Tora, Tora, Tora, and Battle over Midway or Pearl Harbor? Many of these war movies had great action packed aerial fight scenes. The adventures of the heroic fighter pilots along with the aerial combat fight scenes were exciting to view. Many of the films had explosive climatic dogfights between spitfires and enemy pilots. They were outstanding visual effects on the silver screen. Wildstorm Comics have recaptured those days in this title Battler Britton.
Battler Britain was a well-known comic strip in London. He first appeared in 1956 in the issue of weekly the Sun. The creator of Battler Britton was Mike Butterworth. The artist was Jeff Campion. The stories were about fighter pilot Robert Herewood Britton known as “Battler.” This is a great introduction for the American audience to get a gander at a comic strip launched from England.
The American pilots did not take to kindly they would be assisting and learning from the British squad. Battler Britain takes it personal when an American pilot, Major Gilhooley pushes the British wing commander the wrong way. Just because he thought, Battler was not good enough to lead the mission. Therefore, the Britain showed the Major a left hook to the jaw. As the Colonel Master Interceded and stops the altercation, he informs them they should stop their bickering, because the real enemy is impending. Battler Britton’s mission is to destroy a fuel and ammunition dump in El FUQA. Battler Britton and his squadron will lead the attack. While Major Gilhooley leads the Americans, escort them, and cover their back. As the battle starts, the German gunners notice the Royal Air Force squadron Beaufighters. The Germans spotted the Squadron; they are pelleting the German gunners caught by surprise. The German gunners hold their ground. The 107th Squadron is winning their part of the battle, but suddenly in the distance barreling down on the Brits are German fighters known as snappers. As they ascend on the squadron the British retreat. A few of the fighters were pin downed and some of the crafts eliminated, the Americans with machine guns ablaze backed up the British squad with their P40's. The remaining fighter's view some of the British fighters landed behind enemy lines. Conflict arises as the British blame the Americans for getting their comrades killed and others captured.
Battler Britton #1 have some of the most astonishing and realistic aerial battle panels drawn by Colin Wilson, which pops right off of the pages. The stunning combat scenes are thrilling and visually depict a fiery battle in the desert plains. The story written so brilliantly by Garth Ennis plainly expresses the strong willed characters fighting the war with emotion and courage. This is an incredible story with action, adventure, and infighting between the American Army corp fighters and the British Squadron. This story is indicative of the British wartime spirit while fighting against Nazi Germany and World War II axes. Beat the bloody hell out of them, finish the mission, and make it back for tea.
This title deserves a V for victory fan rating of five.
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